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Support › Meta Box Geolocation › Geolocation failed to load - how to identify the issue?Resolved
Hello, my geolocation fields were filled in correctly until this morning. I checked the Google Maps Api, data was pulled until this morning, then no request was made. To identify the problem, I checked the production site in troubleshooting mode with the metabox plugin alone in the twenty twenty theme. Same problem. How to check further and identify the problem.
In Chrome > dev tools > there is script.
<script type="html/template" class="data-geo" data-geo="{"api_key":"..hide...","types":"address"}"></script>
No console errors.
Thanks for your feedback.
I'm also experiencing that issue on my demo site. I will inform the development team to check it and get back to you later.
Thanks for your kind update
Any updates Mr. Long.
Hi, I'm also experiencing this issue. Is there any update?
Hi guys,
Can you please make sure that the extension MB Geolocation is enabled on Meta Box > Extensions page?
Yes, I checked that the MB Geolocation extension is enabled on the Meta Box > Extensions page. But still the same problem. I even checked it again in the default WordPress theme without other plugins. Still the same problem.
It's definitely an issue with the latest update AIO 1.162. I rolled back to 1.15.8 and it's working again.
Hi guys,
Please share your site credentials via this contact form
I will take a closer look.
Please check your inbox.
Thank you very much for identifying the problem. Please close this ticket.
Hi guys,
The issue happens due to the field map needs to be available to make other address fields work. I've escalated this issue to the development team to fix it in the next update.
Thank you very much for your immediate support.
Now it is working fine with the help additional map field.
Actually, I don't need to load the map in the frontend. Just showing data stored in the database as text.
But in the frontend it loads 4 (3+1) scripts,
1. <script src="" id="google-maps-js"></script>
2. <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src=""></script>
3. <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src=""></script>
4. <script src="" id="rwmb-map-frontend-js" defer=""></script>
which leads to a console warning.
warning #1: util.js:240 Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys
pv.l @ util.js:240 (anonymous) @ js?key&libraries=places&ver=5.6.4:217 Promise.then (async), (anonymous) @ js?key&libraries=places&ver=5.6.4:217
warning #2: util.js:240 Google Maps JavaScript API warning: InvalidKey
That's great, thanks 👍