Hell Ahn, I'm trying to do the same, but my site options settings are not showing. Specifically, I'm trying to use a site option in a custom post layout using the Post Grid. Here's my markup:
<a href="[url]">
[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_start_date format="j"]
[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_start_date format="M"]
[wpbb post:title]
[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_venue][wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address_city], [wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address_state]
Specifically the line for the the inline background color is not working. The color works fine when I connect the field to module colors and such, but doesn't work when I add it as a short code in the post module.
<div class="event-right-item" style="background-color: [rwmb field='pboptions#light-row-color'];">
I have it at modern.preacherblogs.com.