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Support › Meta Box - Beaver Themer Integrator › insert settings fieldsResolved
I want to to show fields of settings page extension with beaver themer.
But i cant see settings pages fields.
Is it possible to do this ?
Hi, it's possible. The Meta Box settings fields are under Site > Meta Box Fields.
Hell Ahn, I'm trying to do the same, but my site options settings are not showing. Specifically, I'm trying to use a site option in a custom post layout using the Post Grid. Here's my markup:
<a href="[url]">
[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_start_date format="j"]
[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_start_date format="M"]
[wpbb post:title]
[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_venue][wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address_city], [wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address_state]
Specifically the line for the the inline background color is not working. The color works fine when I connect the field to module colors and such, but doesn't work when I add it as a short code in the post module.
<div class="event-right-item" style="background-color: [rwmb field='pboptions#light-row-color'];">
I have it at
Hi Mark,
Can you please re-post the code for posts custom layout on Looks like this forum truncates the code.
Hey Anh! Here's the link:
Specifically having trouble with this line:
style="background-color: [wpbb site:meta_box field='pboptions#light-row-color'];
Hi Mark,
Did you get the shortcode [wpbb site:meta_box field='pboptions']
from another module (by copying and pasting to the custom layout? The field
param doesn't accept #light-row-color
or something similar, it's simply a field ID.
Anyway, using this shortcode will return the whole image HTML tag. Only when using the connection in the background settings gives the image URL.
We're working on improving the integration, to allow you to choose which attribute of the returned image to be used. Until then, I think it's not possible.
Hi Anh, I did not copy it from another module. I inserted it via the little (+) icon from themer.