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For updating our client websites we use MainWP ( Updates for the Meta Box extensions are not visible as plugin updates inside MainWP. Is it possible to make the updates for Meta Box extensions visible as 'real' plugin updates?
Did you install the updater extension on client websites? The updater extension enables the updates of all extensions (including itself) as normal plugins.
Yes i did, the updates are visible now. Sorry!
But there's still a problem; When i update one of the plugins i have to re-sync all client sites with MainWP to update another Meta Box plugin. Looks a bit like:
Are you using the latest version of the Updater? I think I fixed that.
I suspect that caused the problem. I'll keep an eye on it.
I still have problems with the Meta Box Updater. Sometimes i have to open the Meta Box Plugin Updater page and save the API key again. Only then i get updates in my WordPress installation.
Hmm, can you try the "Check again" button in the Dashboard > Updates? That forces WordPress to check for updates immediately. I couldn't find anything related to the settings page because it only saves the API key, it doesn't check for update when saving. Is there a chance that you entered incorrect API key previously?
Hi Anh Tran,
This topic is still relevant.
I manage about 75 wordpress sites with MainWP. 50 of them use the Meta Box plugin and extensions.
When i check for plugin updates (with MainWP) i don't get the updates of the extensions. When i go the the WordPress admin from one of that sites i see the extension updates. After that i am checking for updates again with MainWP, then the updates are displayed.
It seems that MainWP can not trigger the extension updates. When I log into the WordPress admin I see the updates.
I'd like to help with a solution to the problem. If you need information or a screenrecording please let me know. I have to visit all WordPress admin panels one by one to update the extensions.
Hi @Flickweert,
Thanks for the info. I think you're right about the MainWP cannot trigger the updates. Maybe the hook order is wrong. A screen recording is very helpful.
Hi Anh,
I made a screen recording and send it to your emailaddress.
Thank you very much. I've just got it. I will check it now.
Hi Anh,
Have you already found something?
I'm debugging :(. Another error appears and I have to fix it. I'm trying to do that as fast as possible.
Hi @Flikweert, I've just updated the Updater extension. Can you try if it works with MainWP?
Hi Anh,
I updated the Updater extension on all websites. I'm now waiting for another extension update to test is with MainWP.